It’s All About Preventive Dental Care.

Experience our highly rated team and fast, effective treatment. 
A close up of a pole with water coming out of it on a white background.

GoPro Dentistry offers the best value and optimal dental care by using a conservative approach that prevents dental disease. We know that preventive care prolongs the onset of disease and decay.

Early diagnosis and treatment has better long term outcomes.

Cleaning & Hygiene

Routine checkups and cleanings are necessary to provide you with the utmost care for your gums and teeth. Our hygiene team is highly educated in the latest techniques and  the innovations available. An ultrasonic device, uses gentle, high-frequency sound waves to remove calculus build up and bacteria off the teeth, leaving them shiny and smooth. And, Gaby and Amber will customize your hygiene regimen and work as your oral health partners to help you improve and maintain your smile.

Cleaning & Hygiene ➣

Digital Imaging

Digital Imaging has revolutionized early detection of disease and decay. Clear images capture disease and decay not observed visually or by standard film x-rays. Digital imaging also assists in delicate treatments like the precise placement of dental implants. 

Digital images minimize radiation exposure and they are more comfortable and affordable than film x-ray. Computerized images can be captured and enlarged to see details previously missed by film x-ray. GoPro consistently goes the extra mile to invest in cutting-edge, state-of-the-art technology.

Digital Imaging ➣


Drs. John Rezaei and Michael Saed, never rush through an examination. With experience, skill and focus they carefully observe your oral condition.

Screenings ➣
  • Oral Cancer Screening - Oral cancer rates are on the rise.
10 Early Signs of Cancer ➣
  • Bite Evaluation - Resolving bite issues is a part of oral health.
Jaw Disorders ➣
  • Screening for Obstructive Breathing Disorders - Different from snoring, obstructive breathing disorders may include snoring, but the concerning symptom is breathing that stops during obstructive events.
Sleep Apnea ➣

Examination and Consultation

A clinical examination is recommended at least every six months.

Dr. Rezaei and Dr. Sy carefully consider all data to detect emerging dental issues in the early stages to then recommend a conservative treatment plan customized to meet your dental needs and goals.

Examination and Consultation➣


Sealants are an excellent choice to protect healthy teeth from decay, in children or adults who may have difficulty with oral hygiene routines. 

What are Sealants ➣
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